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Take your speaking skills to the next level.

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Complete IELTS Test Prep
Instant Grading with AI
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RC/LC Practice
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Complete TOEFL Test Prep
Instant Grading with AI
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RC/LC Practice
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Unlimited Speech Insights
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Real-time Conversation using AI
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students and professionals are using

Significant improvement in my speaking
I have been using the Gabble for a few weeks now, and I have already noticed a significant improvement in my speaking abilities. The product provides a wide variety of practice questions that cover different topics, making it easier to prepare for the actual test.

Cost effective
I can write and speak well but was nervous for the exam. This was the most cost effective solution I found for my practice. I can practice anytime and do not need to wait for a tutor.

Realistic conversation practice
Provides excellent and realistic conversation practice with AI. The feedback is also very detailed and helpful in pointing out areas for improvement. I felt much more confident in my speaking abilities.